Side in July of last twelvemonth, we were introduced to the BMW Alpina B5 Bi-Turbo at the Goodwood Celebration of Motion. Fortunate, now it looks equivalent the Genf Travel Take is accomplishment to be the period for the touring edition of the Alpina B5 Bi-Turbo to micturate its entry.
Not a lot of message was unclothed on what benignant of aerodynamic changes the move automobile is accomplishment to uprise with, but we do couple that it present offer the aforementioned powertrain as that of the litter variant, which leave be a 4.4-liter twin-turbocharged V8 engine that produces 507 h.p. and 516 lb/ft of torque and paired to an eight-speed ZF involuntary gear.

The exclusive disagreement - albeit a pretty small one - is that the litter variation posts a slightly faster 0-60 mph minute - 4.7 seconds to 4.8 - compared to the touring variant of the B5 Bi-Turbo. Likewise, the litter type peaks at a slightly higher top pace of 191 mph compared to touring version's 187 mph top speed.
The acceptable object is that the Geneve Travel Lead leave unsettled its doors in less than a week so whatsoever curiosities we may mortal of this car we'll be answered sooner than afterwards.
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